Araldite 2052-1 Methacrylate Adhesive 480ml Dual Cartridge
Araldite 2052-1 leads to excellent strength values on metals as well as rigid plastics even without particular pretreatment of the part to be joined.
Technical Information
- UN Number 1133 CL3 / 3108 CL5.2
- Commodity Code 35069110
- Country of Origin United Kingdom
Data Sheets
Download the Araldite 2052-1 Methacrylate Adhesive 480ml Dual Cartridge technical data sheet (TDS) and the Araldite 2052-1 Methacrylate Adhesive 480ml Dual Cartridge safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. Please login to access DatasheetsProduct Information
Normal residues of rolling or drawing oil are relatively compatible with Araldite 2052-1. The adhesive displays good thermal stability and gap filling properties up to joint gaps of 5mm.
- Fast curing
- Very high temperature resistance
- Excellent chemical resistance
- Thixotropic paste
- Good adhesion even without particular pretreatment
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