Henkel Teroson PU 8590 UHV Black Polyurethane Adhesive 310ml Cartridge

Henkel Teroson PU 8590 is a Polyurethane Adhesive. This product is supplied in a 310ml Cartridge.
Technical Information
- Commodity Code 32141010
- Country of Origin Germany
Data Sheets
Download the Henkel Teroson PU 8590 UHV Black Polyurethane Adhesive 310ml Cartridge technical data sheet (TDS) and the Henkel Teroson PU 8590 UHV Black Polyurethane Adhesive 310ml Cartridge safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. Please login to access DatasheetsProduct Information
Direct glazing adhesive - black, ultra high viscosity adhesive used for the bonding of front, rear and side screens to the body of motor vehicles (car, truck, bus).
Teroson PU 8590 is a black, ultra high viscosity, direct-glazing adhesive used for the bonding of front, rear and side screens to the body of motor vehicles (car, truck, bus).
- Very good sag resistance
- High cure rate High shear strength and good elasticity, even after ageing
- Excellent adhesion to glass, glass with ceramic coating, encapsulation and to painted surfaces, in conjunction with a primer/activator
- High UV resistance PVC- and solvent-free
Shipping information
International delivery (door to door delivery) is available for selected countries worldwide. Shipping will be automatically calculated based on the weight, location and hazardous nature of the goods. Customers can also choose ex works to arrange their own collection.
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