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What are the benefits of AeroShell W 15W-50?

When selecting the right piston engine oil (PEO) for your aircraft, the most important factor to consider is the outside temperature. Each single grade engine oil is designed for use in a particular climate, meaning many operators need to switch grades as temperatures fall.

However, single grade oils are not the only option. AeroShell W 15W-50 is a semi-synthetic multi-grade oil for use in certified four-stroke aircraft piston engines. It is a blend of high-quality mineral oil and more than 50% synthetic hydrocarbon base stock, and the ashless dispersant additive system used in other AeroShell W series oils.

But why should an operator choose a multi-grade oil such as AeroShell W 15W-50 for their aircraft?

Firstly, AeroShell W 15W-50 is an all season oil, able to perform effectively in both cold and warm conditions, outperforming competitor products in cold weather start-up, while exhibiting equal oil temperatures and pressures to a single grade SAE 50 oil when warmed up. The video below shows a test conducted with AeroShell W 15W-50, demonstrating the cold flow properties that allow the oil to reach all parts of the engine quickly and consistently.

Fast start up poster with 15w50 bottle

In addition, AeroShell W 15W-50 offers enhanced load carrying capacity and additional antiwear additives equivalent to Lycoming Additive LW 16702, letting it further stand out amongst multi-grade competition.

Ultimately, using a multi-grade oil such as AeroShell W 15W-50 results in one thing – reduced maintenance costs.

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