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The New Look Araldite 2000 Range

The Araldite 2000 adhesive range from Huntsman encompasses a variety of epoxy, polyurethane and methacrylate products for bonding to a range of substrates including metals, glass, rubber and wood. With the front line package of eight adhesives, users are able to cover 80% of all bonding needs while profiting from additional benefits such as reduced inventory and training costs.

Araldite 2000 range product bottles and packages

Epoxy Adhesives

These products are load-bearing adhesives most suitable for bonding metals and composites, but have good results on ceramics and glass too. They exhibit excellent chemical resistance, with some of the range also suitable for wet and humid environments.

ProductMixed ColourMix Ratio by WeightNotes
Araldite 2011Pale Yellow100:80Multi purpose. Long service life.
Araldite 2012Pale Yellow100:100Versatile. Fast curing.
Araldite 2014-2Dark Grey100:50Excellent chemical and thermal resistance.
Araldite 2015-1Beige100:100Load resistant.
Araldite 2019 Black100:43High temperature resistance (140°C).
Araldite 2031-1Black100:120Specific for binding compounds and polyamides.

Methacrylate Adhesives 

Methacrylate adhesives are more resilient, and suitable for bonding to composites, thermoplastics and metals.

ProductMixed ColourMix Ratio by WeightNotes
Araldite 2051Pale Yellow100:100Ultra-fast mounting in extreme conditions.

Polyurethane Adhesives  

The Polyurethane (PU) range is more flexible, and suited for composites and some thermoplastics such as FGRP, GRP and CFRP.

ProductMixed ColourMix Ratio by WeightNotes
Araldite 2028-1 Transparent100:100Fast cure.

Additional Products From The Range

Outside of the eight basic adhesives, an additional range of products is available for diverse bonding needs. These products cure between 90 seconds and two hours and are available in a range of chemistries as indicated below. The Araldite 2000 products are supplied in a variety of easy to use, small pack sizes from 50ml dual cartridges to 2kg dual can kits.
ProductMixed ColourMix Ratio by WeightChemistry
Araldite 2010-1 Pale Yellow100:100Epoxy
Araldite 2013-1 Grey100:60Epoxy
Araldite 2020Transparent100:30Epoxy
Araldite 2021-1 Pale Yellow100:100Methacrylate
Araldite 2022-1Pale Yellow100:100Methacrylate
Araldite 2047-1 Brown100:8.8Methacrylate
Araldite 2048-1Black100:11Methacrylate
Araldite 2050 
Pale Yellow100:100Methacrylate 
Araldite 2052-1 
Araldite 2018 

Araldite 2000 Properties And Specification Wheel

Araldite 2000 product specifications image comparing product properties