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Ardrox Corrosion Preventatives

Corrosion is the gradual destruction of a metal surface due to exposure to natural elements such as moisture and humidity. In aviation, corrosion is a common problem, and if it is not handled properly, it can also become an expensive problem.

During standard aircraft operations, the high ground temperatures and low in-flight temperatures create moisture condensation, which penetrates any open, unprotected surface on the airframe. An effective corrosion prevention and control program is crucial in controlling airframe corrosion and reducing the high cost of corrosion repair and metal replacement. The application of an Ardrox AV CIC (Corrosion Inhibiting Compound) is an effective tactic for initial and on-going corrosion control.

These compounds can be applied to all internal metal surfaces of the airframe, excluding the fuel tanks. This includes leading and trailing edges, doors and door cut-outs, bulkhead, fuel tank, landing gear bays, fuselage floor area, fuselage crown area, lower structures, bilge areas, and keel-beam. Passenger and cargo doors, hull with stringers and frames, toilet area, fairings, antennas, and nose are also areas where these compounds can be applied.

The Ardrox AV product range offers a variety of corrosion inhibiting compounds with tailor-made properties.

Properties AV 8 AV 15 AV 25 AV 30 AV 40 AV 35D AV 100D
Film HardHardSoftWaxyHardHardSoft
Dry film thickness 8 µm15 µm25 µm30 µm40 µm35 µm100 µm
PenetrationExcellentExcellentGoodGoodGoodExcellentN/A – Apply over AV 8
Water displacementYesYesYesYesN/AYesN/A
Remarks For standard applicationsFor standard applicationsFor movable partsFor standard applicationsHeat resistantFor standard applications – fluorescent,
UV-detectable – requires 2 layers

Heavy duty, thixotropic

Application Advice

Ardrox AV CICs are initially applied during the airframe manufacturing process but can be reapplied during the service life of the aircraft at periodic maintenance intervals. Many areas of the airframe will be inaccessible after manufacture until the first “C” or “D” check is done, which usually happens at around about a four year interval. During these overhauls, it is a good opportunity to apply Ardrox AV CICs within the normally hidden areas of the airframe. It must, of course, be applied properly and effectively to achieve the desired level of corrosion inhibition.  

  • Work systematically. Start with the stringers, then the frames, finishing on the remaining general areas. This ensures you do not miss any surfaces.
  • Apply the right film thickness. Too much will lead to pooling on the surface, which should be removed during application. If not enough CIC is applied, penetration effects will be limited.
  • Use the right application equipment. Brush applications of Ardrox CIC should only be used where penetration is not required. Aerosols are also available for touch ups and small applications.
  • Allow penetrating time. Product should be left to penetrate for some time to allow for maximum effectiveness.
  • Remember to mask. Masking critical components is especially important to ensure CIC contamination does not occur.

Ardrox Corrosion Inhibiting Products

Ardrox AV is not the only corrosion preventatives available from Ardrox. View our range of other Ardrox corrosion preventatives, should they better suit your requirements.