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Loctite 243 and Loctite 270 Reformulation

As part of Henkel’s commitment to continuous improvement, and in line with their sustainability strategy, they will be upgrading the formulations of the popular Loctite 243 and Loctite 270 threadlocking adhesives (the “Products”). The Products will be formulated without cumene hydroperoxide (CHP) and 1-acetyl-2-phenylhydrazine (APH), which will be replaced by more sustainable raw materials.

Loctite 243

Loctite 243 is designed for the locking and sealing of threaded fasteners which require normal disassembly with standard hand tools.

The product cures when confined in the absence of air between close fitting metal surfaces and prevents loosening and leakage from shock and vibration. Particularly suitable for applications on less active substrates such as stainless steel and plated surfaces, where disassembly with hand tools is required for servicing. The thixotropic nature of Loctite 243 reduces the migration of liquid product after application to the substrate.

Suitable for active and inactive substrates, assemblies locked by Loctite 243 can be easily disassembled as needed with hand tools.

Loctite 270

Loctite 270 is designed for the permanent locking and sealing of threaded fasteners.

This product cures when confined in the absence of air between close fitting metal surfaces and prevents loosening and leakage from shock and vibration. Loctite 270 is particularly suited for heavy duty applications such as studs into motor housings, nuts onto studs in pump housings and other fasteners where high strength is required.

Loctite 270 provides robust curing performance. It not only works on active metals (e.g. brass, copper) but also on passive substrates such as stainless steel and plated surfaces.

The changeover in production facilities to the upgraded formulations is planned for November 2024. Please note that due to the internal safety stocks in our warehouse and Henkel’s, there will be a period of overlap where customers may receive deliveries of both the new and old formulations. The new formulations will be able to be identified by the batch numbers that appear on the product packages.

Please be assured that the new formulations have been thoroughly tested by Henkel to ensure that the core performance properties, shelf lives and other technical parameters of the products remain consistent with existing Henkel Quality Specifications. There will be no changes to the product names or finished good ordering numbers (IDHs), and these upgrades will not impact applicable Certificates of Analysis, product nomenclature, or technical data sheets. All associated Safety Data Sheets will be revised to reflect the changes where applicable.

However, as always, due to the different working and application possibilities and conditions beyond control, Henkel do not assume any liability for the suitability of the products for your relevant production processes as well as your intended processing purposes and results. In your own interest, Henkel recommend that you carry out your own prior trials to confirm such suitability of our product in your production process.

Please contact your Technical Account Manager if you have questions, require samples for evaluation or need additional information.