Loctite SF 734 Anaerobic Adhesive Activator F 150ml Aerosol
Loctite SF 734 is a single component non-CFC solvent based surface activator. The activator is designed to promote the cure of Loctite 300 Series anaerobic adhesives and sealants.
Technical Information
- UN Number 1950 CL2.1
- Commodity Code 38159090
- Country of Origin Netherlands
Data Sheets
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Loctite SF 734 is a light yellow-green to amber, acetone solvent-based, aldehyde-amine condensate and organocopper compound liquid activator used where the increased cure speed of Loctite anaerobic structural adhesives and sealants is required. It is especially recommended for applications with passive metals or inert surfaces and with large bond gaps.
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