Socomore Socogel B0202 Clear Adhesion Promoter
Socomore Socogel B0202 conversion products are aqueous solutions of zirconium salts, activated by an organo-silicone compound.
Data Sheets
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Socogel B0202 is a sol-gel developed from a technology licensed by Boeing. After application, the sol-gel solution forms a high performance hybrid coating, which enhances the adhesion of paint systems on metals and alloys such as aluminium, titanium and stainless steel.
Socogel B0202 performance complies with current aeronautical requirements and is an interesting alternative to chromate conversion technologies that are recognised as highly harmful for workers (classification H350: may cause cancer) which generates increasing waste treatment costs (baths, effluents). Socogel B0202 is also more economical in terms of operating costs and effluent treatment, because no rinsing is required after application.
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