Bostik Prep M 500gm Can
Bostik Prep M is a one-step pretreatment for the improvement of the adhesion on closed substrates of several products based on Silyl Modified Polymer (SMP).
Technical Information
- UN Number 1263 CL3
- Commodity Code 32149000
- Country of Origin United Kingdom
Data Sheets
Download the Bostik Prep M 500gm Can technical data sheet (TDS) and the Bostik Prep M 500gm Can safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. Please login to access DatasheetsProduct Information
The substrates should be clean, dry, and free of dust and grease. Keep the packaging well closed until the moment of use. Do not use Prep M direct from the original packaging. Pour as much Prep M in a clean glass or tin as can be used within 30 minutes and immediately close the original tin firmly.
- Fast drying; approximately 5 minutes. However this depends on the type of substrate, drying times can vary.
- Easy to use one-step process.
- Efficient in use.
Shipping information
International delivery (door to door delivery) is available for selected countries worldwide. Shipping will be automatically calculated based on the weight, location and hazardous nature of the goods. Customers can also choose ex works to arrange their own collection.
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