3M Scotch-Weld EC-3524 B/A Structural Void Filling Compound
3M Scotch-Weld Void Filling and Edge Sealing Compound EC-3524 B/A is a two-part flame retardant epoxy.
Data Sheets
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Product Information
This product can be used for void filling, edge sealing, and as an abradable compound in aircraft engines.
- Sandable within three hours of mixing
- Cures to a strong, low-density material within 48 hours at 75°F (24°C)
- Meets the flammability requirements of F.A.R. 25.853 (a) and (b)
- The compound has thixotropic properties for ease of application
- Can be used as a fairing compound for aerodynamic flushness
- Reinforces honeycomb
- Can be used for bonding inserts
- Service temperature of 250°F (121°C)
- 100% solids
- Seals and provides impact resistance to honeycomb panels edges
- Paintable
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