Ambersil Zinc Primer 400ml Aerosol
Ambersil Zinc Primer is a fast-drying protective primer designed for metal surfaces, formulated with a zinc phosphate base.
Technical Information
- UN Number 1950 CL2.1
- Commodity Code 32089091
- Country of Origin Belgium
Data Sheets
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It is a powerful rust-fighting primer featuring a unique blend of modified alkyd resins, zinc phosphate, and other effective anti-corrosion pigments. It provides long-lasting corrosion resistance for interior and exterior surfaces, ensuring improved adhesion, coverage, and colour brilliance of subsequent topcoats.
This primer effectively slows the rusting process with its inhibitory and complex-building properties. Additionally, it saves valuable pre-paint time by quickly filling hairline cracks and minor imperfections. Its strong adhesion to degreased and bare metal surfaces ensures a reliable bond. Ambersil Zinc Primer is free from chlorinated and aromatic solvents, making it a safer and environmentally conscious choice. The product is ideal for metal bodywork, Steele building elements, boat fittings, spots, welds and heavy machinery.
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