Bonderite L-GP MS 401N Protective Coating 1Kg Can
BONDERITE L-GP MS 401N ACHESON is a silk screen printable stop-off for use in the fabrication of titanium components by the superplastic forming/diffusion bonding process. This product is supplied in a 1kg can.
Technical Information
- UN Number 1139 CL3
- Commodity Code 34039900
- Country of Origin Netherlands
Data Sheets
Download the Bonderite L-GP MS 401N Protective Coating 1Kg Can technical data sheet (TDS) and the Bonderite L-GP MS 401N Protective Coating 1Kg Can safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. Please login to access DatasheetsProduct Information
BONDERITE L-GP MS 401N ACHESON contains yttrium oxide and a low carbon residue binder in solvent. Yttrium oxide is inert with respect to titanium, thus preventing the formation of alpha case in the titanium surface. Its particle size is selected and controlled to reduce resistance to breakthrough. The low carbon residue binder is chosen to give minimum carbon inclusion in the titanium surface.
BONDERITE L-GP MS 401N ACHESON contains no halogens. BONDERITE L-GP MS 401N ACHESON is designed as a ready for use product for application by silk screen printing.
- Inert to titanium
- Reduced breaktrough pressure
- Minimum carbon inclusion in titanium surface
- No Boron induced corrosion fractures
- No halogen induced stress fractures
Shipping information
International delivery (door to door delivery) is available for selected countries worldwide. Shipping will be automatically calculated based on the weight, location and hazardous nature of the goods. Customers can also choose ex works to arrange their own collection.
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