MacDermid SF65617 Tintalite Reducer 5Lt Pack

Tintalite lacquers are homogenous liquids which should be applied at theviscosity supplied. However, because of wide variations in both equipmentand techniques, the material should always be tested under the conditions forwhich it is intended.
Technical Information
- UN Number 1263 CL3
- Commodity Code 32089099
- Country of Origin United Kingdom
Data Sheets
Download the MacDermid SF65617 Tintalite Reducer 5Lt Pack technical data sheet (TDS) and the MacDermid SF65617 Tintalite Reducer 5Lt Pack safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. Please login to access DatasheetsProduct Information
These lacquers are widely used for colour identification coding on springs,circlips, fasteners and other small objects. They can also be used on lowwattage filament lamps for decoration, tell-tale boards, instrumentation etc.The lacquers can be applied by brush, spray, dip or centrifugal coatingmachine such as the Lacomatic
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