Armite Molybdenum Disulfide Petrolatum Anti-Seize Compound
Armite Molybdenum Disulfide Petrolatum Anti-Seize Compound is ideal for aircraft spark plugs, threaded fasteners, and fittings at temperatures below 426°C (800°F,) it propvides components with exceptional lubricity and high load capacity.
Data Sheets
Download the Armite Molybdenum Disulfide Petrolatum Anti-Seize Compound 35Lb Pail (Meets MIL-PRF-83483E) technical data sheet (TDS) and the Armite Molybdenum Disulfide Petrolatum Anti-Seize Compound 35Lb Pail (Meets MIL-PRF-83483E) safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. Please login to access DatasheetsSpecifications
Product Information
The product provides excellent high-strength adhesion and can lower friction and torque while preventing unwanted component seizing. This compound contains molybdenum disulfide, which at higher temperature conditions +536°C (+1000°F) may induce hot corrosion of fastener or contiguous materials. Its extended use at these higher temperatures should be avoided.
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