Ambersil AGL 1 Thin Film Lubricant 400ml Aerosol
Ambersil AGL 1 Thin Film Lubricant is a versatile multi-purpose, greaseless lubricant designed to prevent electrical and electronic malfunction caused by unwanted water ingress, humidity, condensation or corrosion.
Technical Information
- UN Number 1950 CL2.1
- Commodity Code 34031910
- Country of Origin Belgium
Data Sheets
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It is a stable, low-surface tension product with excellent penetrating and wetting power. The lubricant is perfect for lubricating, protecting, penetrating and loosening unwanted corrosion by penetrating itself into difficult-to-reach areas and helps restore resistance value by reducing current leakage.
The lubricating film it provides helps restore water-damaged electrical equipment and motors, relays, generators, circuit breakers and a host of other components.
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