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Total Aero 100 is a non-dispersive piston engine oil used for the lubrication of piston engines operating under average conditions.

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Total Aero 100 Non Dispersive Piston Engine Oil

Silmid P/N: VAR0000105
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Total Aero 100 is a non-dispersive piston engine oil used for the lubrication of piston engines operating under average conditions.

Data Sheets

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Product Information

It is an aviation monograde mineral engine oil for the lubrication of piston engines operating under average conditions. This pure mineral oil does not contain any additives except for a small quantity of pour-point depressant and an anti-oxidant. The product is often used for the lubrication of vintage and older aeroplanes.


  • Excellent natural resistance to oxidation
  • Very low pour point
  • High viscosity index

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