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Product Code: VAR0001517
From $18.66

Ardrox 8903W is a suspension of a white pigment in a resin base, which utilises a fast drying, flammable solvent (non-chlorinated) system to facilitate speed and ease of application. Available in various sizes.

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Ardrox 8903W White Contrast Paint

Silmid P/N: VAR0001517
From $18.66 (excl VAT) $18.66 (Inc VAT)
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Ardrox 8903W is a suspension of a white pigment in a resin base, which utilises a fast drying, flammable solvent (non-chlorinated) system to facilitate speed and ease of application. Available in various sizes.

Data Sheets

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Product Information

Ardrox 8903W is a suspension of a white pigment in a resin base, which utilises a fast drying, flammable solvent (non-chlorinated) system to facilitate speed and ease of application. The metal surface is first cleaned to remove rust, scale, paint or other contaminants. If water is used in the process, ensure the component is dried. The final cleaning operation should be to degrease the surface using Ardrox 9PR5, then allow it to flash dry.

Ardrox 8903W is then sprayed directly from an aerosol (ensure the aerosol is thoroughly shaken to disperse all settled white pigment - agitator balls are present in the aerosol to aid dispersion). The spare acuator button in the aerosol cap may be used to obtain an alternative spray pattern.


  • ASME - Boiler Vessel Code Section V, Article 7
  • CEN ISO - EN ISO 9934-2
  • Rolls Royce - OMat 264 (approval)

Physical Chemical Properties:

  • Appearance White mobile liquid
  • Flash point -18 / -0.4 °C / °F ASTM D93
  • Density 0.97 at 20°C / 68°F g/cm° / °C / °F Volumetric
  • Viscosity 21 secs at 25°C / 77°F Ford cup no. 2

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