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Magnaflux Zyglo ZL-60C fluoresces a bright greenish-yellow under ultraviolet radiation. Supplied in various sizes

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Magnaflux ZL-60C Water-Washable Fluorescent Penetrant

Silmid P/N: VAR0001959
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Magnaflux Zyglo ZL-60C fluoresces a bright greenish-yellow under ultraviolet radiation. Supplied in various sizes

Data Sheets

Download the Magnaflux ZL-60C Water-Washable Fluorescent Penetrant technical data sheet (TDS) and the Magnaflux ZL-60C Water-Washable Fluorescent Penetrant safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, select the product size you are interested in and the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available.

Product Information

Developed for testing rough machined surfaces, ZL-60C fluorescent water-removeable penetrant is ideal for finding indications in castings, forgings, extrusions and rough surfaces. This medium-sensitivity penetrant washes off parts quickly and easily, leaving less fluorescent background - even on rough surfaces - for clearer indications and better inspection reliability.

Broad specification compliance further increase this penetrants flexibility. ZL-60C has excellent alloy compatibility and is safe to use on most engineering and aerospace materials, including aluminum, steel, nickel and titanium.


  • Safe on most engineering and aerospace alloys
  • Fluoresces a bright greenish-yellow

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