PPG PS870 B-2 Corrosion Inhibitive Sealant
PPG PS 870 Class B is a corrosion inhibitive sealant with a service temperature range from -65°F (-54°C) to 250°F (121°C), and intermittent excursions up to 275°F (135°C).
Data Sheets
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Product Information
This material acts as an effective barrier against the common causes of corrosion on aluminium alloys or between dissimilar metals. Thecured sealant maintains elastomeric properties after limited exposure to both jet fuel and aviation gas.
PS 870 Class B is a two-part, manganese dioxide cured polysulfide compound. The uncured material is a low sag, thixotropic paste suitable for application by extrusion gun or spatula. It cures at room temperature to form a resilient sealant having excellent adhesion to common aircraft substrates.
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