Flamemaster Chem Seal CS3201 A-1/2 Black Fuel Tank Sealant 1USP Kit *AMS-S-7124
Chem Seal CS3201 is a two‐part, polysulfide based compound which cures at room temperature to a flexible, resilient rubber with excellent adhesion to aluminium, titanium, stainless steel, steel, magnesium, and other materials.
Technical Information
- UN Number 1133 CL3 / 3082 CL9
- Commodity Code 35069190
- Country of Origin United States
Data Sheets
Download the Flamemaster Chem Seal CS3201 A-1/2 Black Fuel Tank Sealant 1USP Kit technical data sheet (TDS) and the Flamemaster Chem Seal CS3201 A-1/2 Black Fuel Tank Sealant 1USP Kit safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. Please login to access DatasheetsProduct Information
Proper mixing of CS3201 is assured by the contrasting colours of the two parts.
Mixed CS3201 Class A is flowable and easily applied with a brush.
The cured sealant is resistant to aircraft fuels, lubricants, oils, water, and weather, and remains flexible at low temperatures.
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