Loctite MR GS 2 Gasket Sealant 7oz Tube
Loctite MR GS 2 Gasket Sealant is a black, viscous paste with a characteristic alcohol odor.
Technical Information
- Commodity Code 32149000
- Country of Origin United States
Data Sheets
Download the Loctite MR GS 2 Gasket Sealant 7oz Tube technical data sheet (TDS) and the Loctite MR GS 2 Gasket Sealant 7oz Tube safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. Please login to access DatasheetsProduct Information
Loctite MR GS 2 Gasket Sealant is a slow drying, flexible setting past gasket sealant that seals flanges, fittings, connections and flexible assemblies against leakage.
- Improves reliability
- Extends gasket life
- Stops leakage
- Excellent for metal to metal assemblies
- Slow drying
- Flexible setting
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