DOWSIL™ 786 White Silicone Sealant 310ml Cartridge
Dowsil 786 Silicone Sealant is a rubber sealant for nonporous surfaces, showers, tubs, sinks and plumbing fixtures.
Technical Information
- Commodity Code 39100000
- Country of Origin United States
Data Sheets
Download the DOWSIL™ 786 White Silicone Sealant 310ml Cartridge technical data sheet (TDS) and the DOWSIL™ 786 White Silicone Sealant 310ml Cartridge safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. Please login to access DatasheetsProduct Information
The product is designed for sealing around shower-tub enclosures, tubs, sinks, urinals and whirlpools, and all areas where extreme temperatures and high humidity are a constant.
- Cured sealant is mildew-resistant
- Remains permanently flexible without shrinking, cracking, crumbling or drying out
- Resists staining, spotting and colour changes
- Resists moisture and free steam
- Retains original design properties even after years of exposure
Shipping information
International delivery (door to door delivery) is available for selected countries worldwide. Shipping will be automatically calculated based on the weight, location and hazardous nature of the goods. Customers can also choose ex works to arrange their own collection.
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