SSP-1404 General Purpose Silicone Lubricating Compound 5.3Floz Metal Tube
Silmid P/N: P1400071
$65.33 $65.33
SSP-1404 is a general purpose silicone lubricating compound.
Technical Information
- Commodity Code 39100000
- Country of Origin United States
Data Sheets
Download the SSP-1404 General Purpose Silicone Lubricating Compound 5.3Floz Metal Tube technical data sheet (TDS) and the SSP-1404 General Purpose Silicone Lubricating Compound 5.3Floz Metal Tube safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. Please login to access DatasheetsProduct Information
- SSP-1404 is a non-corrosive lubricating compound designed for a wide range of applications where contacting surfaces are not under heavy load.
- SSP-1404 is useful as an electrical insulator, corrosion inhibitor, water repellent, mold release, and metal, rubber and plastic parts lubricant.
- At temperatures up to 500°F it features low volatility ensuring performance, consistency, and stability.
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