Alpha RMA 9086 (SN62/PB36/AG2) No Clean Solder Paste (Fridge Storage)
Alpha RMA9086 is a modified rosin, no-clean solder paste with a long stencil life and high activity for excellent solderability.
Data Sheets
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It is for applications that require high process tolerance during printing and reflow due to varying board types and conditions. Alpha RMA9086 is designed for stencil application in surface mounting processes where post reflow cleaning is not required.
Alpha RMA9086 is ideal for standard and fine pitch printing through stencil apertures as small as 0.008 inches (0.2 mm). Crisp, well defined print definitions are repeatably attainable on 0.016 inch (0.4mm) pitch.
- Excellent solder spread for allows for proper wetting on parts that can be difficult to solder
- Full bodied flux system with high activity allows for ease of reflow with most common profiles and on varying board types
- Long stencil life, results in less material changeout, usage and scrap due to long exposure times on the stencil or large numbers of part number changes
- Accurate depositions using quality Alpha Assembly Solutions manufactured stencils result in more prints before stencil wiping and less down time
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