3M Scotch-Weld AF 536 Lightning Strike Protection Film 292 ECF 142
3M Scotch-Weld AF 536 Composite Surfacing and Lightning Protection Film is a modified epoxy surfacing film that sets under heat. It is specifically created for the general-purpose surfacing of composite structures.
Data Sheets
Download the 3M Scotch-Weld AF 536 Lightning Strike Protection Film 292 ECF 142 915mm x 45.7Mt Roll (Freezer Storage -18°C) technical data sheet (TDS) and the 3M Scotch-Weld AF 536 Lightning Strike Protection Film 292 ECF 142 915mm x 45.7Mt Roll (Freezer Storage -18°C) safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. Please login to access DatasheetsProduct Information
This product is highly compatible with various composite materials and cures within the temperature range of 120°C (250°F) to 177°C (350°F). It ensures a seamless, void-free surface, reducing the need for extensive pre-paint preparation. Additionally, it exhibits resistance to paint strippers while preserving an exceptional surface quality. The finish is glossy and smooth, and its translucency allows for easy inspection of the underlying composite materials. Moreover, it offers excellent handling properties and can be repositioned easily.
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