TE-Connectivity Raychem S1030 Black Hot Melt Adhesive Tape 20mm x 3mm x10mt Roll *RK6017
TE-Connectivity Raychem S1030 is a non-flame retarded hot melt black adhesive tape which is based on EVA/polyamide polymers.The tape is often pre-applied to moulded shapes and uses the pre-coat designation (/180 - polyolefin hot melt adhesive).
Technical Information
- Commodity Code 35069900
- Country of Origin United Kingdom
Data Sheets
Download the TE-Connectivity Raychem S1030 Black Hot Melt Adhesive Tape 20mm x 3mm x10mt Roll technical data sheet (TDS) and the TE-Connectivity Raychem S1030 Black Hot Melt Adhesive Tape 20mm x 3mm x10mt Roll safety data sheet (SDS) from Silmid today. Once you have logged in or signed up, the datasheet will be visible for download if one is available. Please login to access DatasheetsProduct Information
- Recommended for high flexibility at low temperatures
- Recommended for marine applications where salt water is a threat (S-1030 exhibits excellent water blocking characteristics
- The adhesive is very user-friendly in that it exhibits excellent flow extremely quickly when heated under normal installation conditions
- It exhibits good adhesion to a wide range of substrates and has become the recommended hot melt adhesive for System 100, ie; Zerohal tubing and cable jackets, -100 moulded shapes
- Recommended with RNF, RW175 (Kynar) materials
- Can be used as a repair adhesive in conjunction with RP4800 tubing
- Not recommended for use where aggressive solvents may be present
- Not recommended for use on terminations under in-service flexural stress at temperature above +40°C
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