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Born2Bond Structural is a high-strength hybrid adhesive that provides a fast fixture time at room temperature while maintaining good processability and bond gaps up to 5mm.

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Bostik Born2Bond Structural Instant Adhesive 10gm Dual Syringe (Includes 5 Nozzles) (Fridge Storage)

Silmid P/N: P0220264
€26.46 (IVA no incl.) €31.75 (IVA incl.)
En Stock - 11 Disponibles
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€26.46+ IVA
€25.13+ IVA
€24.47+ IVA
€23.82+ IVA


Born2Bond Structural is a high-strength hybrid adhesive that provides a fast fixture time at room temperature while maintaining good processability and bond gaps up to 5mm.

Technical Information

  • Número ONU 3334 CL9
  • Código del producto 35061000
  • País de Origen Spain

Data Sheets

Descarga hoy mismo la hoja técnica (TDS) del producto Bostik Born2Bond Structural Instant Adhesive 10gm Dual Syringe (Includes 5 Nozzles) (Fridge Storage 2°C-8°C) y la hoja de datos de seguridad (SDS) del producto Bostik Born2Bond Structural Instant Adhesive 10gm Dual Syringe (Includes 5 Nozzles) (Fridge Storage 2°C-8°C) desde Silmid. Una vez que hayas iniciado sesión o te hayas registrado, la hoja de datos será visible para su descarga.

Información del producto

This product offers excellent bonding characteristics to a large variety of closed substrates, including aluminum, plastics and elastomers, but also porous substrates, such as woods, chipboard, leather, etc. Born2Bond Structural is formulated for applications that require mechanical and in-use environment resistance.


  • Fixture time in 30 seconds*
  • High adhesion strength: > 6 MPa after 5 min
  • Open time 25 minutes
  • Fills gaps up to 5 mm
  • Excellent adhesion to many different substrates**
  • Translucent when cured
  • Temperature and humidity resistance
  • Gel consistency for precise application

Directions For Use:

  • Before applying Born2Bond Structural, make sure the surfaceis clean, dry and grease-free.
  • To use, Part A and Part B must be blended. Product can be applied directly from the syringeusing the plunger supplied and dispensed throughthe recommended mixing nozzle.
  • Hold the syringe upright and insert the plunger. While keeping the syringe in an upright position,remove the cap, attach the mixing nozzle, and begindispensing the adhesive upward until any bubblespresent in the smaller component have been removed.
  • Dispense and discard a bead as long as the mixing nozzle, toensure sufficient mixing.
  • Apply the mixed adhesive to one of the bond surfaces tobe joined. Parts should be assembled immediately after themixed adhesive has been applied. Bonds should be held by fixing or clamping until theadhesive has cured. Prevent assembled parts frommoving during cure.
  • The bond should be allowed to develop to full strengthbefore being subjected to any service load (typically24 hours).


Typical applications for this product are structural bonding, magnet bonding, gap filling, glass bonding, elastomer bonding, plastic bonding, metal bonding.

Product Characteristics:

  • Components 1k - 2k 2k
  • Mix Ratio 4:1
  • Appearance/Color Transparent
  • Gap Filling Capacity 5mm (0.02in)
  • Temperature Use Range -40°C to 120°C (-40°F to 248°F)
  • Open Time 25 - 35 mins
  • Mixer Life 25 - 35 mins

Shipping information

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