Huntsman Epocast 1617 A/B Epoxy Syntactic 1.25Lb Kit *BMS5-28 Type 17 Revision AU
Epocast 1617 A/B epoxy syntactic is a low-density, self-extinguishing compound for edge sealing honeycomb structures.
Technical Information
- Número ONU 3082 CL9 / 2079 CL8
- Código del producto 39073000
- País de Origen United States
Data Sheets
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The lightweight epoxy is an easy-to-handle material that exhibits high strength after curing. Epocast 1617 A/B epoxy syntactic cures to an off-white color and is qualified by Boeing among others.
- Low Density
- Self Extinguishing
- One Hour Work Life
Shipping information
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