Indestructible Paint IP9356 Thin Film Heat Resistant Aluminium Coating 5Lt Can
Indestructible Paint IP9356 is a Thin Film Heat Resistant Aluminium Coating supplied in a 5Lt Can
Technical Information
- Código del producto 32089091
- País de Origen United Kingdom

Data Sheets
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Spray applied IP9356 is used, on turbine blades, rotors, shafts and landing gear to protect components from salt laden atmospheres, high temperature oxidation, chemicals and abrasives.
Sacrificial Aluminium Coating that is part of a range of corrosion resistant coatings designed for use in challenging environments such as aero engine, power generation and marine situations.
The coating provides corrosion and oxidation protection to iron, steel, heat treated stainless steel alloys, titanium and other metallic substrates at temperature of up to 700°C. IP9356 can also be super or vibro polished (RPS 619) to enhance flow of air in aircraft engines where smooth surfaces are essential to enhance energyefficiency (See also Ipseal IP9184 and Smoothseal IP9444).IP9356, when vibro polished achieves a Ra surface finish of 12 micro inches
Shipping information
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